Francis Fong Instructor Association
Become A Certified Instructor under Sifu Francis Fong

Our Team

Association President
Sifu Francis Fong
Sifu Francis Fong is the founder of the Francis Fong Instructor Association and the Head Instructor of the Francis Fong Martial Arts Academy. Sifu Fong has created the ADP (Affiliate Development Progrogram) that is specifically designed to professionally bring up the standards of the Affiliate Instructors.

Vice President
Simo Tracey Fong
Simo Tracey is the Vice President of the Francis Fong Instructor Association. Simo Tracey oversees the official seminar for the Association. All seminars with the Association can be scheduled via Simo Tracey. Contact her at

Association Director
Alan Baker
Alan Baker is the Association Director for the Francis Fong Instructor Association. He is the primary contact for questions regarding joining the Association or anything related to affiliate operations.
If you are interested in becoming a part of our affiliate team please contact Alan anytime at

Technical Director
Kevin Lee
Kevin Lee is the Technical Director of the Association. He manages the website, online video programs, and the graphics of of the Association. Please contact Kevin at if you have any questions.